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Venture Capital


Josef Bouchal

Computers and technology have been a big hobby of mine since I was young. I studied technology fields for several years and later added a law study. Since the beginning of my professional life, I have tried to intersect these two worlds and therefore I have enriched my specialisation in M&A with the area of start-ups and venture capital, which is mainly focused on technology. The combination of the worlds of technology and law was therefore an obvious choice for me. At the same time, expanding and deepening my knowledge in the field of progressive business and transactional law is a constant challenge for me.

Jaroslav Baier

Start-ups, venture and private equity funds are the most interesting economic actors for me. This is because they offer a glimpse into an economic future based on creativity, the courage to start your own business, the freedom to make your business dreams come true and, above all, the ability to take increased risks. I'm happy to be part of this creative ecosystem, whether through transactional legal advice to founders, investment professionals or UBOs, or by founding my own legal-tech start-up for online B2C legal services.

Martin Stančík

I specialise in the areas of banking, finance and capital markets, where law and the world of finance are naturally intertwined. I like to learn about previously unexplored corners of the regulatory aspects of providing financial services, and I particularly enjoy setting up business models for emerging FinTech companies. What I like about the legal profession is that I am never bored - thanks to the wide range of clients, every day is different and brings new challenges. And that's what I love most about this job.

Jan Skalný

Unlike most of my colleagues, studying law was not an obvious choice for me from a young age and I was also attracted to economics for a long time. Since I was never very good with functions, matrices or equations, I decided pragmatically for paragraphs and have no regrets. Within our firm, I specialize in financial market law and regulation. Eventually, I will get around to working with numbers on a daily basis anyway, and in a much more pleasant way.

Roman Marša

I mainly specialize in the area of banking, finance and capital markets, especially in the area of regulation of FinTech companies. This field fully fulfills my passion for finding new ways and solutions to complex issues that at first glance have no solution. Alongside this, I also focus on litigation and arbitration.

Martin Peckl

My main areas of practice are mergers and acquisitions, property law, commercial law and company law. I have been involved in a number of acquisition transactions in the field of residential social services, office buildings and estate development sectors, as well as in the energy, construction, engineering and automotive industries. In addition to English and Czech, I also provide legal services in German, my mother tongue. I provide comprehensive services e.g., in strategic investment implementation, establishment and management of joint ventures, supplies of investment units and project financing.

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