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Daša Aradská

My passion for justice and desire to help those in need led me to pursue a career in law. I specialise in labour law, and the introduction of GDPR has prompted me to focus more intensively on data protection. As technology has advanced, I have become fascinated by how law responds to new challenges, and how cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and other technologies are changing our lives. I combine law with modern technologies and am interested in how innovations can not only simplify daily life but also be addressed by law to ensure they are beneficial and safe for everyone.
Articles by the author
Czech DPA’s inspection planGDPR
Jaroslav Šuchman, Daša Aradská

Czech DPA’s inspection plan

The Office for Personal Data Protection (the Czech Data Protection Authority, “DPA”) has published its inspection plan for 2025 (in Czech only). This document annually indicates what controllers and processors of personal data should prepare for in the given period. The DPA is now clearly targeting