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Jaroslav Šuchman

I do not like information technology very much (because of the increasing dependence of everything and everyone on IT), I do not spend time playing (including gambling) games, and regulation, or its smoothest possible management (including personal data protection), interests me "only" as a legal phenomenon. However, I do believe strongly in the cultivating role of legal communities of states, like the EU, even though - or because - it is just pouring those regulation regimes out of all almost three dozen sleeves (because they are always backed by Member States and their governments).
Articles by the author
Czech DPA’s inspection planGDPR
Jaroslav Šuchman, Daša Aradská

Czech DPA’s inspection plan

The Office for Personal Data Protection (the Czech Data Protection Authority, “DPA”) has published its inspection plan for 2025 (in Czech only). This document annually indicates what controllers and processors of personal data should prepare for in the given period. The DPA is now clearly targeting