From a young age, I had a natural sense for justice, which was deepened by my childhood superhero, Batman. As time went on, I realised that justice is not just about catching bad guys and criminal trials. With the development of modern technology, I have become more aware and appreciative of privacy (not just my own) and concerned about protecting and respecting it. Perhaps this is why I now enjoy providing legal services in the areas of data protection, cybersecurity and contract law, where I appreciate the variety and unique solutions for each client. When I'm not practicing law, I'm probably playing guitar or exercising.
jan.steininger@havelpartners.czArticles by the author
Can ad blocking be blocked? The battle between users and website operators
Ad blocking using various applications or browser extensions is a common tool used by users when “surfing” the Internet. The benefit to the user is an ad-free browsing experience. However, advertising revenue is the primary, and sometimes sole, income for many website operators. How effectively do s