For a long time, the concept of IP meant nothing to me; apart from my duties at the faculty, I had not even come across a trademark, patent, or copyright. Because of my interest in this area, I had to travel to Germany, where I spent several years absorbing knowledge about patents, trademarks and designs in the practice of an international law firm. The world of IP is a rapidly evolving area in which there is always something to look forward to and I'm glad to be a part of it.
katerina.trzaska@havelpartners.czArticles by the author
Worldwide trademark – can it be registered?
Clients often approach us with requests for having their brand registered globally, and for all goods and services. However, is it realistically possible to own a “worldwide trademark” for all goods and services? As you can probably guess, it is not. It is nonetheless possible to get close to this g
Beginning of the end of greenwashing? German courts consider it an unfair commercial practice
European rules for “green” marketing within the EU are set to become stricter in two years. The legislation, approved this spring, has put unsubstantiated environmental claims on the blacklist of unfair commercial practices (as we wrote here). Can greenwashing already be considered an unfair commerc
Contributed to articles
Coexistence agreements: Yes or no?
Coexistence agreements are one of the options that two owners of similar or identical trademarks have in a situation where they want to agree on how to (co-)exist together not only on the market but also in trademark registers. But can you really be sure that a coexistence agreement gives you a guar
Patent Revolution: Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court
As of 1 June 2023, the Unitary Patent (UP) system will become effective. With it, a brand-new institution – the Unified Patent Court (UPC) – will be established. As a result, the mechanism will introduce the biggest change in the area of patents in decades and will affect all European patents, also