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Diana Gregová

What attracted me to law from a young age was its elementary and necessary presence in everyday life, culminating in the idea that with its knowledge I would be able to help all people. What began in high school as a fascination with the concept of human rights, turned into an interest and fascination with intellectual property law and e-commerce during my studies, which is my primary specialisation at our law firm. Since my studies in Luxembourg, I have been a big fan of space law, which I secretly hope will soon be added to the scope of our practice areas. In my free time I like to read, run, discover new places and spend time in nature, especially when I manage to be at home in Slovakia.
Articles by the author
Computer games and consumer law – What should you be aware of as a player or developer?Consumer
Michal Kandráč, Robert Nešpůrek, Lukáš Jakoubek, Diana Gregová, Tomáš Lupač

Computer games and consumer law – What should you be aware of as a player or developer?

Only few people realise that consumer protection regulations must also be respected when developing and playing computer games. It doesn’t happen very often, but even in the Czech Republic we have encountered inspectors from the Czech Trade Inspection Authority checking whether a computer game viola