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Tomáš Lupač

I had been exposed to computers and various types of technology since my early childhood and have never stopped to be fascinated by them ever since. One example that shows quite clearly the promise and interest of this field is the fact that we currently have more powerful devices in our own pockets than those that put mankind on the moon. Despite many of my childhood (and some successful) attempts to create websites, my programming skills are not at a level where I can help take humanity to another planet. So I found another way to pursue technology professionally - I went to law school.
Articles by the author
Computer games and consumer law – What should you be aware of as a player or developer?Consumer
Michal Kandráč, Robert Nešpůrek, Lukáš Jakoubek, Diana Gregová, Tomáš Lupač

Computer games and consumer law – What should you be aware of as a player or developer?

Only few people realise that consumer protection regulations must also be respected when developing and playing computer games. It doesn’t happen very often, but even in the Czech Republic we have encountered inspectors from the Czech Trade Inspection Authority checking whether a computer game viola
Contributed to articles
An unwanted change to smart contracts?IP
Pavel Amler, Tomáš Lupač

An unwanted change to smart contracts?

The European Parliament has adopted a proposal for the Data Act which aims to harmonise rules on fair access to data, promote competition and stipulate conditions for the use of data, in particular with regard to data obtained by means of products connected to the Internet of Things (IoT). An overwh